190: What's up with this town? [pt2]

The door of the shop was blasted open and a shadowy figure exited the shop. Its unseen eyes looked at Keith with morbid fascination and that interest paralyzed Keith for a whole minute. He was unable to turn his eyes away from that figure covered in black fog.

"N-No! Demon! Stay away from me!"

If not for the yell of fright given out by the man at Keith's side, Keith would not have even realized that this situation was dangerous. It seemed as if the black fog had enchanted him somehow.

Seeing as how its spell had been broken, the black figure decided to jump Keith and grab his attention that way. But Keith was not an easy target this time.

Since he had his wits, Keith was able to cast a shield in time and bounce the man back into the shop.

The other person at Keith's side quickly snapped the door of the building shut and there was no further moment from the shadow thereafter.