191: What's up with this town? [pt3]

The night was quiet. There was not even a single person who was awake right now and the world was covered in the blanket of darkness. In such a situation, no one noticed the marching footsteps heading outside the city.

Doors of the shops opened and bodies exited their resting place. These people seemed not to know where they were going or who they were. They only knew that they had a destination they needed to reach.

And to do that, they needed to follow the scarlet path in front of them. Only then will they be able to find the salvation needed to save their lives.


Keith was deeply asleep when he got a nagging feeling in the back of his head. He quickly woke up and looked outside.

He did not know what compelled him to do such a thing, but Keith would be forever grateful to his instincts. 

Outside the house were a hundred people waiting for him to get out. Their eyes shined in the darkness when they looked up, but they were all blank.