203: Clair's first attack

"This hallway…are you sure we did not go through this before? It looks familiar somehow."

Amelia shivered once she felt the chill of this place wash over her senses. The further inside she went, the colder this place became to bear. 

However, unlike her, the grandmaster seemed to be having no problem with the sudden chill. He was just as calm and cool as ever. Looking at him made Amelia feel jealous.

"You can head back if you think you cannot do this any longer, Amelia. Some people are not meant to face difficulties."

Amelia flinched once she heard the grandmaster's words. They had hit a little too close to home and made Amelia angry with herself.

If the grandmaster could walk through this hallway and not complain, then what right did she have to complain about her circumstances? 

She had none and she needed to get herself together.