204: That masked figure [pt1]

"Grandmaster, are you sure we should leave Clair behind like this? What if she gets hurt? Or something even worse happens to her? What are we going to do?"

Amelia asked this question with a guilt-filled expression as she ran after Keith. 

She might have left Clair behind as well, but her insides were filled with guilt at what she did. She could not believe herself and how heartless she had been to Clair up until now.

"Stop blaming yourself for Clair's choices. She was the one who wanted to stay behind, so we fulfilled her wish. Now stop whining and follow me. We are going to find the mother's pearl and put an end to this situation. Olivia will get her retribution."

Amelia still did not look to have adjusted. But she followed Keith nonetheless. 

Keith moved the group through the mansion. He had no idea where he was headed toward. But he knew that he was close to his destination. There was a feeling inside him that begged Keith to follow it.