

---You Should Be Resting-01

After Charlotte and I finally woke up we watched movies and she took me on a tour of the mansion.

She said that Carolina and Hayden live here, everyone else just visits.

I left Charlotte around seven at night with the promise of returning tomorrow after school.


As I walk through my front door I quietly close it behind me only to stop in my tracks when I see my mom sipping a glass of wine in the living room.

I try to sneak past her but to no avail.

/"You sneak out of the house at two in the morning only to return at seven in the evening/" she states with a suspicious tone which causes me to slowly turn around and face her

/"Is there something that you want to tell me?/" She asks but it sound more like a demand

/"I was on a jog/" I say with a shrug as my voice raises in pitch

Great, now she knows that I'm lying.