

---You Should Be Resting-02

/"Where are we going?/" I ask as Charlotte continues to guide me down a grassy path, blindfolded might I add.

Dear god, if I die please make my life into a story.

/"Shh, we're almost there/" she whispers beside my ear which causes her breath to fan against my neck

My breath hitches as my lower belly starts to tingle and I start to feel a pressure on my most intimate area.

What is this feeling?

Am I turned on?

/"Are you okay?/" She asks as we stop which causes me to nod my head as I bite my bottom lip

With all of these sensations that I'm feeling I doubt that words will be the only thing that comes out of my mouth.

/"Are you ready?/" She asks as she loosens my blindfold

I'm blinded for a couple of seconds which causes my eyes to burn as I rapidly blink them. When my eyes finally adjust I'm in shock as I see what's in front of me.