


Shit. Shit. Shit.

I'm late.

I'm never late for school.

As I'm running out the door with an apple in my hand I stop dead in my tracks when I see Charlotte leaning against the hood of her car.

Why isn't she resting?!

We've been over this.

/"You're supposed to be resting/" I scold as I stop in front of her which causes her to smile as she looks me in the eyes

/"Whatever/" she says with an eye roll /"I'm so bored laying in bed, doing nothing all day while you're at school/" She says as Carolina rolls down the drivers side window

/"Get in, You're already late/" she yells which causes me to gasp

How could I forget so quickly?!

/"Can you drive me to school?/" I ask which causes Carolina to roll her eyes as Charlotte laughs

/"That was the point of coming here/" she says before she walks towards the backdoor and opens the door open for me