

---Christmas Eve Accidents-01

/"Charlotte, put me down!/" I yell

Charlotte claimed that I was taking too long to wake up so she threw me over her shoulder.

She's been walking around for a while now.

/"Shhh/" she says as she pinches my butt which causes me to blush

She suddenly stops before she places me on the kitchen island.

/"That was so not cool/" I say with a pout

/"Aww, you look cute/" she says as she stands in between my legs

/"No I don't, my hair is a mess and I probably look like a zombie/" I say as I push loose strands of hair away from my face

She tucks a brown strand of hair behind my ear before she firmly grips my waist and pulls me closer to her body.

She looks me in the eyes before her eyes flicker down towards my lips which causes her to bite hers.

Fuck, that's hot.

She looks up into my eyes again before gently grabbing my face and leaning in.

Oh god.