

---Christmas Eve Accidents-02

Charlotte bites her lip as she tries to avoid looking at my upper body. She takes her pointer fingers and hooks them in the band of my biking shorts before yanking them down my legs, taking off my panties with them.

I step out of both articles of clothing. Charlotte hands me a bag from her bathroom closet to put over my cast.

After putting the bag over my cast I carefully step into the shower while Charlotte strips out of her clothing.

I peek a look at her only to blush and look away when I catch a glimpse of her bare chest.

Her breasts are about the same size as mine, maybe a cup smaller, and her nipples are a light pink while mine are a dusty rose.

When she's finished undressing she hops into the shower, behind me, with a bar of soap and two washcloths.

/"I'm going to wash you now. Are you ready?/" She asks as she reaches around me and wets the washcloth.