

---Mistletoes and Ho Ho Ho's-01

I slowly wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.

Thankfully my good one.

When my eyes are fully open I'm met with the image of that boy from earlier.


/"Um, Hi?/" I say awkwardly which causes him to smile

/"What are you still doing asleep? The party's about to start/" He says which causes my eyes to widen as I look at the clock on Charlotte's bedside table

Nine in the morning.

Did Carolina seriously not wake me up.

/"Thank you for waking me up/" I tell him gratefully before I sit up and crack my knuckles

/"I picked out an outfit for you to wear/" He states as he points to a dress on the bed

/"Not to be rude, but why?/" I asks with genuine confusion

/"Between you and me, Charlotte has been holding herself back with somethings/" he says as he starts to use his hands for emphasis