

---Mistletoes and Ho Ho Ho's-02

I can't believe it.

I just kissed my best friend.

More like made out with her.

And I didn't hate it.

I thought I was straight.

After that kiss I'm definitely not.

I'm about to say something when my phone rings loudly from my boot.

I squat down and grab my phone from my boot only for my entire body to go ridged when I see the caller ID.

/"Who is it?/" Charlotte asks with a worried tone

/"M-my dad/" I stutter out which causes her to freeze

I walk out the front door, away from the confused stares, as I answer the call.

/"What the hell do you want?/" I viciously spit out

My shock is now replaced by anger.

/"Is that any way to greet the man that made you?/" He asks with a teasing tone

Of course.

Typical Henry, never taking anything serious.

/"Ha ha, hilarious/" I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes

/"So, how's life?/" He asks