

Best Friends Kiss, Right?-01

I've been lying awake in bed for an hour just thinking about Charlotte and I's kiss last night.

It's was slow and passionate.

But hungry and wanting, at the same time.

It makes my body shiver by thinking about it.


I shouldn't feel these things.

She doesn't like you, she's your best friend.

If she's my best friend then why did she kiss me as if I was her lover?

I rub my temples since I feel a headache coming on.

I slowly and carefully get off of Charlotte's bed, careful not to wake her.

When I'm successfully off her bed I make my way out of her room and downstairs towards the kitchen.


As I'm eating my bowl of cereal I hear someone walk into the kitchen. I turn my head in the direction that they're coming from only to see Carolina smiling at me.

/"What are you so happy about?/" I grumble out in my sleepy state