

Best Friends Kiss, Right?-02

I slam my phone on the counter in frustration before I pull my hair in frustration.

/"What did he want?/" I hear someone say from behind me which causes me to jump a little

I turn around only to be met with Charlotte's body leaning against the doorframe.

/"I have to meet him at Mr. Carello's which means that I have to wear something fancy/" I say with another eye roll as I cross my arms

/"Is it a business meeting?/" She teases with a smirk as she slowly makes her way towards me

/"Charlotte this isn't funny/" I say with a pout as she wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me close to her

/"Fine, What do you need?/" She asks with a small smile

/"Can you please drive me to my house and help me get ready?/" I ask her

/"I don't know, it might take more persuasion/" she says with a teasing tone

/"I'll give you a kiss/" I say innocently as I wrap my arm around her neck