

---The Start Of Something New

As soon as Charlotte pulls into the parking lot I walk towards her car and slide into the passenger seat.

/"You don't look happy/" she says as I close the car door behind me

/"My dad asked me to take his place in his gang if he were to die/" I say as I turn my head to look at her

I suddenly feel the air thicken as her teasing smile quickly turns into a look of anger.

/"That son of a-/" she starts to say before I cut her off

/"Hey, it's fine. I said no anyway/" I say with a dismissive tone

She ignores me as she reverses out of the parking space and drives towards the open road.


A couple of kisses later and she was back to her teasing attitude.

/"So, I've been meaning to ask you something/" she says nervously as she turns into her driveway and parks the car

/"Okay/" I say before I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn towards her