

---Infatuation and Adoration-01

I woke up this morning feeling extremely refreshed.

As if I slept for a month straight.

Charlotte and I are currently in the kitchen baking and let's just say it isn't going so well.

/"I said four tablespoons of flour not four cups of flour/" I say with a tone of disbelief

How could you possibly mess those up?!

/"If your mouth wasn't full of chocolate I could've heard you more clearly/" she says matter of factly as she tries to fan away the cloud of flour with her hand

/"It's not my fault that I couldn't find any breakfast/" I say with narrowed eyes

She said that she went out and bought breakfast, yet I couldn't find any anywhere.

/"Would it have killed you to wait until after we were done baking?/" She questions with an eye roll

/"Oh, so now you're telling me when I can and cannot eat?!/" I test her with a hand on my hip which makes her eyes widen