

---Infatuation and Adoration-02

/"No problem m, sweetheart. You'll be home tomorrow morning for breakfast, right?/" She asks

/"Yes, of course mom/" I say with a bright smile

/"Okay, bye sweetie/" she says

/"By mom/" I say before hanging up

/"What did your mom want?/" Charlotte asks as she pulls me closer

/"Nothing. Kayden called me from her phone/" I say with an eye roll before I take a bite of the brownie

/"This is a good brownie/" I whisper to myself before I wiggle out of her arms and walk into the living room


Charlotte and I were in the middle of watching this cute Disney movie called 'Up' while eating the brownies she made when my phone started to ring.

/"Hello?/" I answer knowing that it's Carolina and Kayden

/"Ooh, you're glowing/" Kayden says which makes me blush

/"And you seem more relaxed/" Carolina says which causes me to roll my eyes