

---Watch Out, Aspen

/"Oh my god/" I scream out one last time before collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion

Charlotte just gently lays her head on my thigh and kisses it.

/"Do you think they heard us?/" I ask worriedly in between pants

/"Do you want me to tell the truth?/" She asks back and looks up at me

I just nod my head which makes her smile.

/"I think the whole neighborhood heard you, babe/" she says which makes me groan

/"I was hoping you wouldn't say that/" I say

/"You said you wanted the truth/" she say before moving her hand over and massaging my thigh

I wince a little since I'm still sensitive from our wild love making.

/"I love you, did you know that?/" She says with a vulnerable tone. I move my hand down so that I can gently play with her hair.

/"I didn't, but I love you too/" I say with a smile which causes her to smile.