


I've been staying at Charlotte's house for two days now.

Against my will may I add.

Every time I try to go outside they either don't let me out or escort me out.

I'm literally going insane staying here.

I may not feel safe staying at my house but at least I'll have more freedom, plus my mom is there.

I walk out of Charlotte's room and down the stairs only to hear some hushed arguments.

As I get closer to the kitchen I can Identify that it's Carolina and Charlotte.

Of course it is.

/"Charlotte, there's nothing else that we can do/" she says with an annoyed tone

/"You said that last time and I got shot in the shoulder/" Charlotte says with an angry tone

What are they talking about?!

/"They've been M.I.A for weeks now/" Carolina says in a stressed tone

/"I don't care, check again,/" Charlotte commands before sighing