


Charlotte's POV

/"You do realize that I can't let you leave, right?/" I ask with crossed arms as I lean against my doorway

/"Well, I'm not staying/" Aspen declares as she grabs one of my hoodies and throws it over her tank top

It's one of the hoodies that I gave to her since it didn't fit me anymore.

She looks better in it than I ever did.

/"Aspen, I can't let you leave because it's not safe/" I say with a dead tone

I'm so exhausted.

Carolina and I have been working all night to try and figure out who Maddie is working for but kept running into dead ends.

The whole time Aspen has been here there's been a black van parked across the street just watching my house.

/"Then how come the rest of you guys get to leave whenever you want?/" She asks as she slips on her checkered vans and grabs her bag