Chapter 2

#Chapter 2

---Happy Pills

After my beating I had to drag myself out of my grandpa office. Plaster a smile on my face and hide my bloodied back with a thin hoodie.

The second I'm out of church I run toward the shady part of our town, yeah I know even in this small town we got a dark side, everyone got a dark side. I know that from experience, here you can find the one and only biker bar in town and behind it my dealer.

Yeah how ironic the pastor grandson do drugs. But I need something to cope with the pain, I need something to make it all go away even if for a small amount of time.

His name is Jackson he's a high school drop out, son of an abusive mother and an alcoholic father. His parents almost beaten him to death more than once, I know all that cause he's my friend, kind of. We can't be seen in public together my grandpa forbid it, but we can always be friends in dark alleys, friends and a bit more.

/"Hey man/" ~Nick

/"Hey handsome /"~Jackson says and plant a kiss on my lips.

I'm not gay, well maybe I am, I'm not sure but I think some guys are hot and I got butterflies in my stomach when I'm talking to them. But I can't be gay, grandpa wouldn't allow it and he'll probably burn me alive.

I push Jackson away like I always do, it's kind of a thing between us, he'll kiss me and I'll push him. He never try more than a peck on the lips, he's gay out and proud, when me, I'm just me.

The first time he ever kissed me was after a bad beating from grandpa, I needed something for pain but couldn't afford them so Jackson being my friendly drug dealer gave me one pill in exchange for one kiss, he layed his lips on mine and kissed my closed mouth. It wasn't bad in reality I really enjoyed it, afterwards I started paying for my happy pills while he kept pecking my mouth every time.

/"You got something for me jack/" I ask.

/"You know I always do/" he answered while palming his penis.

/"Not that pervert/" I say with a chuckle his flirting are harmless and kind of funny.

/"Yeah I got you some but the prices just got up by ten/" ~Jackson

/"What why??? I don't have any extra/" I ask with shock they can't lift the price how could I afford them now.

/"Sorry man, new boss, new rules. But I'll tell you what I'll cover the extra for you in exchange for a kiss/" he says with a wink.

Well what do I have to lose I need my pills I nod my head and get closer to Jackson, he cup my face with both his hands and start kissing my close mouth only this time he's trying to open my lips with his tongue. I was never kissed before so I got curious and opened my mouth for him, his tongue invaded mine instantly and he pushed me against the wall making my abused back burn with pain. I hissed and pushed Jackson away.

/"What's wrong man what is it? I'm sorry did I take it too far/" Jackson say with a blush on his face.

/"It's just....never mind can I have my stuff now/" I say and he nods and give me a little baggie with five pills in it.

I say a quick thank you and take off running I can't be late, I have to get home and start dinner.

God forbid dinner being late, I make it in time and get cooking, I'm sore all over and can hardly move my body.

I don't take my pills yet, I leave them for bed time when I can sit alone and drown in my own misery. At seven pm sharp the dinner was ready, grandpa came in and checked on my work he tell me to sit while he said grace.

/"Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen./"

I finished eating and sat quietly in my seat I wasn't allowed to leave table before him. When finally he finished eating I got up quickly cleaned the dishes and kitchen.

/"Good night sir/" I said before going to my room.

/"Don't forget to pray before bed/" he reply.

/"Of course sir/" I say and run upstairs, my room used to belong to my mother it's white and have no life in it.

I have a single bed with metal frame, a cross hang above my bed, a desk and chair no computer for me though, /"internet is an open door for satanic thoughts/" as my grandpa says.

I have a small wardrobe with my clothes neatly folded and a dresser. My room is small like really small, but it's my own, my safe heaven.

I take one pill and hide the rest in one of my socks, I'm gonna have to be careful with those.

I hardly get any allowance, most money I make are from doing shores or cutting lawns for the neighbors and even that ain't much.

I take my clothes off and know I need to soak them now or I won't be able to move in the morning I get my stuff and head toward the bathroom in the hallway.

When all is said and done I lay in bed and think about that kiss with Jackson it was my first real kiss well not real real, but the closet I ever had.

I close my eyes and go to sleep maybe my mystery man will kiss me in my dream, for some reason that thought make me blush.