Chapter 3

#Chapter 3

---Back to school

School starts today, I'm a senior and a Bs student. I can't wait till I graduate and leave, I want to leave this nightmare. At school I'm the youngest in my class also I'm the smallest, I'm 5'3 and weight 120 pound.

I have no real friends here, everyone is either fake or afraid I'll snitch them to my grandpa. I love it this way I prefer the solitude over fake friendships, the girls never wear a skirt above the knee and the boys act like good Christian. Lies, lies.

I went through the school doors feeling like I'm walking toward my doom, I keep my head down, I don't talk to anyone and no one talks to me.

My first class passed quietly, my second period is English great it's on the other side of school, I'm walking toward my class when I collide with someone. I look up and it's Rylie, the guy from church, I can't help but give a shy smile.

/"Hey sorry man/" ~Rylie

/"It's okay...i wasn't looking anyway/" ~Nick

/"You know where Mr. Gerard class is/" ~Rylie

/"Ow you got English too...yeah it's on the other side of school. I'm going there if you want/" I say with a blush, shit why am I blushing.

/"Oww yeah that would be great thank you Nicky/" ~Rylie

I blush at the nickname, people call me Nick for short and that's about it.

We went to class and sat next to each other, he made funny comment most of the class and I had to hide my laugh, the teacher knows my grandpa. Heck the whole school/town know him so I have to be on my best behaviour.

I didn't see Rylie again until lunch, I was sitting on a table alone as I usually do when he came and sat down with me.

/"You don't have to sit with me/" I says not wanting him to feel obliged to stay with me.

/"Nah I'm good...this school is...uh just.../" he seems lost for words so I decided to help

/"Fake? Too orthodox? Theatrical? Take your chose/" I reply

/"Yes to all the above/" he says with a smirk.

I really like Riley, maybe I am gay after all, what would it be like to kiss Riley for real. I shake my head something about that idea feeling wrong not just cause he's a guy but something else I can't put my finger on it.

The rest of the school day passed quickly, I had Riley in one more class, it was a change to have a friend in class, someone to joke with or share looks.

We walked out of school together, Riley offers me a ride home since he got a car and I don't. I don't make enough money to buy a car, I hardly make enough money to buy my happy pills.

He turn on the radio and we sing along the songs in a loud voice. It was fun and new to me, is this how it feels to have a friend, well if it is I'm really enjoying it.

Once I see the house come to view my smile drop, I turn down the radio voice and try my best to put on a poker face. I thank Rylie for the ride and walk inside to my own hell.

/"Who's that/" my grandpa ask, he probably saw me getting down from the car.

/"He's a friend from school sir, he offered me a ride since I'm on his way/" I reply.

/"Remember Nicholas I have ears and eyes everywhere./" my grandpa says, his words having an underlying threat, if I try anything he'll knows.

/"Yes sir/" I say and retrieve to my room, I stay hidden there till time to start dinner.

The rest of the week passed just like that, Rylie will drive me to and from school, we'll sit together in class and at lunch.

Friday he didn't drive me straight home, he said he wanted to take me somewhere, I tried to refuse telling him I can't be late but he insisted that we won't be long.

Riley drive us toward the beach, yes our small town got a beach. It's on the edge of town but the smell of salty water is incredible. The beach isn't the most intended places around here so it's quite and pretty empty.

Riley and I walk together, we ditched our shoes, letting the warm sand trickle our feet. Riley's hand brush mine a couple times and I blush, does he knows anything, does he suspect anything. These thoughts are running through my head when Riley lace our fingers together, my face grow read.

/"What....what are you doing/" I whisper.

/"Walking with you/" Riley says with a smile.

/"I meant.../" I say and show him our hand, he smile and bring them close to his face and kiss my hand.

This time I'm really blushing, I'm as red as a tomatoes. After our walk Riley drive me back home, I'm a bit late but it's worth it.

I walk in the house and run straight toward the kitchen starting dinner, by seven pm I'm still cooking, I miss calculated my time and now I'm screwed.

Grandpa walk in the kitchen to see the table wasn't set yet, the dinner was still on the stove.

/"Nicholas/" he says that word alone, I know what to do, I know I'm a dead man walking.

I turn off the stoves, there is no use to finish dinner now. I don't speak, excuses only make this thing worst, I walk toward him with my head bowed low.

The first hit is always the worst, it comes unexpected, although I know I'm gonna get beaten, still the first punch is a chock to my system.

After grandpa was done with my punishment. I go up to my room and take two pills I need them, I hurt everywhere, he's ruthless.

Damn all I have are two pills left.