Allan's Point of View
/"Did you find something?/" I asked my beta. I received a shaking of the head as a response. Fuck! We only have one clue, and that's the name of the scumbags who hurt my mate. We don't know where they were or what pack they belong to, but seeing my mate, I doubt that she's in a pack.
/"You can leave. Brent. Thanks,/" I told him. I ruffled my hair and let out a sigh. I badly want to rip his head their heads. I got up and went into the room connected to my office, where I transferred my mate. I approached her and saw she was sound asleep. I caressed her face.
/"I don't even know your name, my little mate. It hurts to see you like this,/" I said. I took a pillow from the cabinet and lay down on the couch. I usually sleep when I go here because I do not want her to be surprised when she finds out I'm lying next to her. I stared at the ceiling then slowly closed my eyes.