Did someone say greedy father?

[Clayton POV]

"So, Mr. Huxley what bring you here?" I asked antagonistically, I had allowed him in the house with a heavy heart, I know Kaleah probably wouldn't want this man here.

"Oh... son in law is very antagonistic hey," he says making me cringe to my last bone, "I just came home from a business trip to find my two daughters not home,"

"Wow," Conan exclaimed, everyone knew the situation between Kaleah and her father, so his absurd excuse made even crazy Conan speechless.

"Is that so, I didn't see you during your wife's funeral, so I assumed you didn't really care for my fiancé," he is embarrassed by my statement, "forgive me for not asking your permission to marry her."

My grandmother glares at me, I know he is a jerk, but I need to butter him up before I crush him, he will feel every pain he put Leah and Zoey through.

"Oh… don't worry Mr. Beckett everything is okay, as long as Kaleah and um… the little one is safe."

He doesn't even know Zoey's name this jerk, I want to plant a good fist on his face, rearrange it a bit.

"What brings you here then?" my grandmother asked impatiently, "they are safe I am sure you can go back to your 'business trip'".

"Definitely, but I was here on a different matter," he says sheepishly, I prepare for the worst, "I am here to talk about the dowry."

Ah… of course if it is not clout, it is money that is what rats come out for.

"See in our culture the groom's family should give the bride's family money," he said with no remorse whatsoever "seeing as Kaleah is still a pure woman you going to open you pocket quite a bit huh?"

He chuckles happily making my anger rise, like how dare he speak about Kaleah like some meat for sale.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Kaleah yell from the steps, her day seems to not be as peaceful, and I hate it.

"Ah… Leah my angel, come here give daddy a hug" his darn acting is great, he would fool anyone with that.

"What are you doing here Mr. Huxley?" Kaleah angrily climbs down the stairs with Cyan behind her.

"Ah… my sweet daughter, are you sad I didn't come to your mother's funeral?" he tried to act pitiful, this jerk, "I am sorry, I was needed at work, so I had to miss your mother's funeral."

Pathetic man indeed, he had acted so pitiful and weak, like he wasn't on a honeymoon the very day his wife died.

"What do you want?" Kaleah asked her father in the coldest voice, a new fear unlocked, angry Kaleah.

"I am here to see you and the little one," Ore said, Conan had now retreated to the kitchen along with grandmother and only Cyan and I remained, "I never got to ask what you and your mother named her, sorry" he sheepishly said.

"Her name is Zoey, and I am sorry you are not allowed to see her,"

"But sweetheart, I know I was wrong, but my job is demanding, you know that I would go to trips even back then."

"You call parading around with your new family a job?"

"What? I did not, well I have a doppelganger, you must have seen him not me, I was on a business trip I swear."

He continues to lie, ridiculous lies, like how on earth did he pull that?

"My daughter…" he tries to get closer, but Kaleah flinched.

"You abandoned mother on the side of the road, to die, with a new born baby and few labor wounds, she bled to death," Kaleah said with hitched breath, "you think I will buy whatever foolish excuse you have father?"

"I…... your mother and I had fought; I didn't know she gave birth I swear…"

"Leave me alone Ore, the way you cut ties with me after mother's death, keep it that way, I do not need you in my life anymore."

"What? Leah, don't say that," he said sadly, "son-in-law please talk to her, she is being unreasonable, now that she found a rich husband, she is abandoning her father."

"Mr. Huxley, you abandoned my fiancé first, didn't you?" I say in the coldest voice, and for the first time this stupid man showed his true emotions, embarrassment. He had berated Leah since he got here but the soon as I spoke, he was embarrassed.

"You are pathetic Mr. Huxley, you seem to not show remorse for not being there for your daughters, but you are embarrassed when I call you out?" I said angrily, how dare he disrespect his own daughter like that.

"Mr. Beckett does not know Leah that well, she is an emotional child, she is just angry at me for not coming to her mother's funeral," he said with no shame at all.

Kaleah was biting her lips to stop her tears, seem I am a very incompetent husband, I have let my wife get hurt too many times on my watch.

"Mr. Huxley you are now crossing the line," Cyan warned him, "you should leave before I do something we both would regret."

"What? Do you want to isolate my poor daughter? How dare you? Leah this people do not have the best intentions at heart, go take Zoey I am getting you out of here."

"Huh…. You will be shameless till the very end huh? Like you didn't abandon us to be with your new family, father you and I are no longer related, I cut you off, now leave this house and never come back."

He widens his eyes in shock, she had put her foot down indefinitely, making him see the dire of the situation. He sighed before he resumed talking.

"I am sorry, yes I have another wife that is not your mother, and a son, but it is not what you think, I did not abandon you and Zoey, I just wanted to make sure Oren is okay."

"Well then have a good life with Oren."

Kaleah said before turning to leave, her father still looked distraught and embarrassed, how ironic that he thought he could just come back to her life, and everything would be alright.

"Mr. Huxley, I think it is time you leave," I said to him, since we had already finished with the conversation there was no need for him in my house.

"Wait," Kaleah halts, his face brightens when he hears this.

"I knew you would come around he said happily."

"Where is my money?" she angrily asked, "the money for my paintings it all went to your account, what did you do with it?"

"Uh… well you see, I used it for bills and stuff." He lets out a nervous chuckle, I cannot help but ball my fists with anger, he used all her hard-earned money for some dumb thing.

"Well, I need it back, I need the money to plan my wedding." She said, I can see Ore choked up with confusion.

"What you are getting married to a rich husband, who didn't even pay any dowry and you want me to give you money?"

"It was hers to start with so what is the problem here," I tug his collars angrily, this man is nothing, but pure filth, Zoey and Leah are so much better without him.

"Unhand me this instance or the media will know about how you treat your father in-law."

I throw him down, though I am not afraid of his threats, Kaleah is not fond of the media and I'd rather she not be involved with them.

"This is not the last you see of me Beckett, I came here thinking you are good family taking care of my daughters, but you have brainwashed them," he said firmly, "Leah I will come back for you and Zoey don't worry."

He storms out angrily, seem we have another problem that is not Hailee.