Pre wedding jitters.

[Kaleah POV]

I cannot understand why that man came back to my life, just a few weeks ago he snorted at my very existence and now he claims to love and care for us.


"Who is it?" I shout softly, the Becketts must be really tired of my problems by now.

"Your fiancé,"

"Oh…" wait Clayton visiting my room? Why, "come in," I say with a low tone.

After father left last time, I stormed to my room and locked it. I cried my eyes out the whole night, Cyan took care of Zoey for me.

"Hey…" he said softly, walking in.


"Are you okay?" wow he came to my room this early to ask if I was, okay?

"I am fine Clayton I was just overwhelmed last night that is all. You are getting ready for work?" I ask, he was dressed in his usual formal attire.

"Not really, there is an urgent matter you and I have to sort out."

I can feel my mouth dry up, oh what, is he cancelling the marriage? Of course, this is the only way to clear his dirtied reputation.


"This might be a bit heavy, so, please sit." He said softly, I held back my tears as I walked to my bed to sit, he sat just next to me, before holding my hand.

"I know we said we will marry in two months, but I don't think it will not work," he said, I don't think I will hold back my tears, "so, I spoke to grandmother and in order to protect Zoey from your father we moved the wedding up to tomorrow night."

"What? You are going ahead with marrying me?"

I asked bewildered, how is it even possible I have brought him nothing but bad publicity.

"Yes, are you second guessing it?" he asked nonchalantly, wow, this man seem to not even considering cancelling this wedding.

"No... just thought you would cancel the wedding, but tomorrow wouldn't it be a bit too soon."

"We are technically getting married, today," huh, today? How is that even possible? He chuckles at my reaction, "we will get married at a courthouse, I just called someone to clear the courthouse for our marriage, we will have a small ceremony tomorrow."

"Oh…" I say almost sounding disappointed, what about the jasmines that he wanted to commemorate his parents wedding.

"Mrs. Dealers have taken full control of tomorrow's preparations, she said she will put our wish list into consideration."


"Yes, now you get ready, Cyan will bring you a nice dress and we will head to the courthouse and get married."

"What… what is the rush?" I ask, I am happy he is not cancelling the wedding, but the rush seems to be suspicious. He sighs before looking at me, this is bad, something bad is about to happen.

"I need to adopt Zoey before your father challenge us in court."


That man what is he even thinking he didn't care for her a few months ago now he cares. Clayton explained how father went to lawyers to demand custody of Zoey.

He has this dumb belief that if he gets custody, I will have to pay for child support for the child, which is not possible since he is the biological father. But Clayton does not want Zoey to be stuck in the crossfire of my dumb father's tantrums.

"How…. How long have you known she was my sister?"

"From the beginning, her being your daughter didn't make any sense."

"You still want to adopt her?" I asked, I looked at my toes, so his rejection doesn't hurt me.

"Leah? Here I am speeding the marriage process so we can adopt her legally and your father doesn't take her, why are you even asking such a question."

"Oh..." maybe it is the stress making me this dumb, "that way pretty dumb huh."

He hits my forehead with his finger, before sweetly smiling at me. "Cyan will help you get dressed, we will go get married first and go for the adoption after that.

"But adoption can take time," he rolls his eyes before asking, "who am I? I am capable of giving you anything you want with just a snap of my finger."

He stands up to leave, I smile as I watch him, my heart beats so calmly, but I am very sure I am falling for him. Worst of all, I am falling so fast and hard.

Cyan came to my room after to get me ready for the courthouse wedding, she is a bit deflated that we have to have this flash wedding, but she understands the importance of it.

She dresses me in an over the knee length blue dresses, since I wanted a blue dress so much, I got the blue dress. She turns my hair into a beautiful bun. I decided against heavy makeup, only a blush and lipstick were okay.

"Are you ready?" he asked squeezing my hand tightly, he had Cain and Cyan as witnesses and grandmother was left at home to take care of Zoey.

"Yes, I think I am." I say softly, let me become Clayton Beckett's wife, maybe one day it will not be on paper, maybe his heart will beat the way mine is beating right now.

Gaining the marriage license was sweet and short, like I was Kaleah Huxley a few seconds ago, now I am Kaleah Beckett.

"Mr. Beckett you may kiss your bride," huh what, I thought we only sign the papers and get the license.

He brings his lips to my forehead for a soft peck, "don't worry, you do not have to kiss me," he whispers sweetly.

"No… I want to, let us kiss." I grab his arm before he retreats, I only get few kisses from this man, and I want to take all the opportunities given to me to touch his lips.

He smiles before taking my lips with his, I feel so complete, this is not good for my heart but I can't help it, I want this man to be mine.

But what is triumph without a storm? Who has ever had a happy ending without troubles? The minute we step out of the courthouse we are again swarmed with a hive of reporters, equally as vicious and hungry as the previous one.

I felt so scared, so anxious, all these emotions coming at once, I couldn't walk the path to the car, it felt so overwhelming, their questions just became more vicious. I just fainted, yes, I fainted in front of all those hungry reporters who did not have anything good to say about me, I gave them yet another reason to hate me.