Under the sea

[Kaleah POV]

The first day of our honeymoon and we haven't been to any of the local tourist sites.

"Clayton, can we get ready now?" I say dragging my husband out of bed.

"What if we stayed in tonight, huh? That would be fun, you and I making love all day." He says pulling me into bed to cuddle.

"No, I can't even feel my thighs with your insane sexual drive, please love, I want to see the world, with my love by my side." I speak.

I pout cutely, if there is something I discovered was how easy it was to get Clayton to do whatever I want.

"If you pout like that it makes me want to kiss you more," this man, such a clingy husband he is. I continue to pout; he sighs before seating up.

"Fine, let's have a shower together," "I have already showered," I reply making him groan, his naughty plan going up in flames in just moments.

He gets out of bed dragging his feet to the shower, "you are doing great love, such a wonderful husband you are," I cheer him on.

With him finally showering I make my way to the closet to get ready, I have never travelled out of the country, like never in my life.

I feel really giddy thinking about the new things I could see and the cultures I have been deprived of because I didn't travel more.

I settle to a cute long blue dress with a crazy slit, since it is mid-March and was autumn in New Zeeland it was warm, and I wouldn't need much layers.

I feel Clayton strong moist body next to me, and his arm wrap around my waist.

"Stop it Clayton, you will get me wet," I grumble, protecting my poor dress, "why didn't you dry yourself sincerely?"

"Well, I could get you wet in many ways," he gives me a wink making me roll my eyes, this man seems to only be in just one mood the whole honeymoon, a dangerous mood.

"Dry yourself and get ready to go out," I say, "promise?"

"I promise to take my wife out to see the world," he says taking the dry towel on his shoulder and he continues to dry himself.

I still feel skeptical, he might be behaving now but he might start making out and dragging me back to bed in no time. He chuckles at the way I am looking at me.

"I promise, we are going out today okay, no funny business," he promises.

And he did as promise, he wore a casual short sleeved shirt, some sandals and long pants.

"You look gorgeous Mr. Beckett," "you haven't seen yourself have you Mrs. Beckett, you are the most beautiful of all."

I dragged my husband with me around, he just followed smiling like a fool. "Why the aquarium first? We haven't had breakfast," he complains.

"And whose fault was that? We will eat soon okay," I replied, I had known if we took more time to go there it would be too crowded.

"If that is what my wife wants."

The beauty of under the sea is gorgeous, I can feel the urge to paint this, I already have the twist and individuality I could add to this scene.

Mother and I never travelled but I think father did, since I now know that his business trips were not really business trips, he must have travelled quite a fair amount.

We finally went to a nearby local restaurant, as we exited, we could see the new line of people who want to enter the aquarium, "see I told you that was a good idea to come early, we now have great picture, and we don't have to stand in line.

"I am Clayton Beckett, I can always skip lines," he says smugly.

"We are in a different country dummy, your influence wouldn't work, would it?"

"Well, you will find out one day if it does," he cheekily replied.

I had left the ordering to Clayton who seemed to know what was on the menu, and I am glad I did because I have never tasted food so wonderful.

"I never knew Crayfish could be that wondrous," I praised, we were now on our way to another site.

"Oh, wait till we get home, and you will taste the best crayfish," he boldly says making me laugh at him, "darling you cannot cook."

"I know that," he says annoyed, "I am talking about grandmother, she and grandfather came here on their honeymoon and she learned how to cook the best crayfish."

"Oh… wow you are so sentimental," I say.


"You commemorated you parents wedding with the flowers and now you are commemorating your grandparents' honeymoon."

He blushes, quite a cute sight, seeing him red like that, "I promised to visit this place with the one I love to grandfather," he says making me blush as well.

We continued to tour around Auckland until we were too tired and retired back to the hotel, where Clayton ordered room service.

"I swear I am so soon to have a big belly," he mumbles.

"Oh… you would look so hot with beer belly," I teased, "the hottest men have beer bellies."

"Really love, you were supposed to be like, oh babe you should not get a big belly because I like your toned six pack," he says making me choke from laughing.

"But I love you no matter what," I say he pauses and looks at me, I wondered why he hasn't said anything until I realised what I just said.

"Wait, that doesn't count, it wasn't romantic at all," I say frantically.

"But you do, right?" he says, "love me I mean."

I nod shyly, "then just say it, you don't need to be supper romantic okay." He says, he is quite excited, I can see he is excited by only the twinkle in his eyes.

"But your confession was super cool and romantic," I say, "I will get a better chance to say it."

"No, I don't want a super romantic confession," he says impatiently, "please baby, tell me."

I sigh, he really is a bit impatient about this huh, I look at him trying to protest but his beautiful eyes look at me with so much anticipation.

"I love you," I say, he smiles before dragging my chair next to his to kiss me, "say it again." He commanded.

"I love you Clayton Kai Beckett," I say to him making him smile even more, he scoops me up and carries me to bed.

"Clayton," "Let me get you the good type of wet," he murmurs making me face palm, of course this man's dominant mood for this whole honeymoon is s*x.

I wake up later that night, with a sore body, I climb off bed to go to the bathroom, I cannot help but admire my husband's sexy body, I could feel getting a painting prompt from just that alone.

I walk to one of the drawers to get my painting gear, I put a medium sized earl up and start painting away, this is nothing new, we have had nude paintings and others in collage but it felt so new painting this.

I was half way in when Cyan called, "what is it?"

"Wow now that you are married you do not need me?" she teased, "anyway this is serious, okay, I am adding you in the art studio plan."

"What? Wait? But I don't have good paintings," I grumble.

"Do not fight with me, I know you have great paintings, I just need to know the name of your line," she says completely ignoring me.

I know why, I tend to self-destruct a lot thus she always blocks my tendencies by just deciding for me.

"Under the sea,"

"Huh, why under the sea, you do have five paintings that resonate with that theme, but I need about ten paintings from you."

"Don't worry, I have more paintings here that resonates," I say, continue to paint, "I have this mean idea, you will like it."

"Fine, just don't forget to have fun in your honeymoon, love you." Cyan says before dropping the call.

This is a new beginning for me, and I would like it to be as calm as the ocean and I know a certain someone who would make sure it is.