My family.

[Clayton POV]

We have spent a week in New Zealand before I got mountains of calls from clients feeling entitled enough to disturb my honeymoon. I should take more days off from work.

The bed seems cold, well it is cold because my wife is nowhere to be seen, must be this new found painting she is so focused on.

She had turned half of our hotel room into a painting area, not that I was complaining, just really would love to get my wife back.

"Really? I thought we agreed you will finish this when we get home," I grumbled, giving her a kiss on her head.

"Morning," she says in the most tired voice, I could see eyebags, her face had never looked this pale.

"Wait, when did you start painting?" I asked angrily, she really lost sleep because of this.

I started painting since you fell asleep," she says softly, "I know don't scold me, I just couldn't sleep without finishing this piece, it is very important."

"Important enough to jeopardize your health?" I asked, well she is an artist, they get the most random prompts in the worst time of the day, but I hate watching her this pale.

"Well, I have finished so I will spend the rest of the day with just you and no other interruptions," she says giving me a soft kiss on my cheek, "what do you think."

I look at the painting, very beautiful, I had seen Cyan's life like sculptures, and I had always thought she was the best artist to ever lived, but this, this is amazing.

"Are you sure you're not an alien? I mean who can replicate the ocean so wonderfully?"

She grins at me before saying, "is that the only thing you, see?"

"Is there more?" I look closer to see what more is there, she chuckles, "okay, let me change the angle, you will now get it."

She hops to the painting and shifts the Earl a bit, she moves away still smiling. "Now can you see it?"

I look closer to the painting, "you really are an alien aren't you, how did you...., are those my arbs?"

She chuckles at my amazed face, "well, I wanted to only paint the ocean, but then I got this idea to use color shades to commemorate your beautiful body in the ocean, hence the name of the line, under the sea."

"Have I told you how talented you are?" I say walking to her, she giggles wonderfully.

"I am happy that you spent all those awful hours of the night painting your beautiful husband, but you need to rest now okay," I say scoop her up and carried her to shower.

I wash all the paint away, she is tired, I help her in her night gown before tucking her to bed.

"I am sorry, we are supposed to spend our last day here galivanting around Auckland." She says in a low voice.

"I do not mind, I get to spend the day cuddling my sweet wife, which is more that I could I ask for."

She cuddles closer to me, "I love you," she murmurs, I am happy, happy she can just say she loves me freely and proudly.

We had spent the day cuddling before we went out for dinner later that evening.

"Oh, we can see the sunset from here," she says happily, "I can paint…."

"No, you will paint when we get home, you are not losing sleep because of this," I say, I take out my phone to take a picture of it, "we have a picture you can use as reference."

"You are so overprotective," she says.

"Well, my wife tends to put the quality of paintings over her health."

"I just wanted to perfect my husband's arbs, since he is about to get a big belly" she teased.

I chuckled at her joke, "well my wife did say I look hot with a big belly."

"Yes," she giggles, "you know my mother always said big bellies are a sign of wealth."

She continues to giggle happily telling me stories about her and her mother, and I admire her beauty, my wife, my precious queen.

The waiter finally comes to take our orders, we speak about nothing and everything at the same time.

We walk the streets of Auckland hands in hands, my wife keeps giggling sweetly.

"We should take an extra week," I say to her making her freeze.

"No, we can't, we have a little girl at home, you are a father now Clayton," she scolds but I know she is just teasing me by that amused smug on her face.

"I know I am a father Leah, and I couldn't have asked for more," I say pull her close for a kiss, "we should take Zoey with us next time."

"We should," he says initiating the kiss, I like this her being bold enough to kiss me.

We flew back home the next morning, I think we are not satisfied with this trip, well I am not satisfied because I hate having to go home.

Especially having arrived at home at welcomed by Conan. "What did you do?"

"Nothing I did nothing," he says, "hi Conan," Kaleah greets him before kissing me on the cheek and walking into the house.

"Wow, when did she get so bold?" he asked in awe, "anyway I need your help."

"So, you did something," I folded my arms waiting for him to drop the bomb.

"I just have a question okay," he says, "well Taryn and I had a small fight."

"What did you do to the nanny Conan? She is a nice nanny, if someone has to go it will be you, my princess cannot lose her nanny."

"Really? Come what happened to blood is thicker than water?" he says, "anyway it is not like…..."

He stops as Taryn walks out, "welcome back Mr. Beckett, hope you enjoyed your honeymoon," she says.

"It was quite refreshing, thank you for taking care of my baby girl in my absence," I can feel the awkwardness between the two, ugh… what did Conan do this time.

"Zoey is a sweetheart, taking care of her doesn't feel like a job at all," she says, "I will get going, have a nice day."

But before she goes out grandmother yells from the living room, "Conan you better drive poor Taryn home." Conan is a facepalms and I hear Cyan chuckle.

"You do not have to…" she says shyly, "it is okay Taryn, I will drive you home."

The two walk together awkwardly and I see both grandmother and Cyan peek at them.

"What did I miss?" I ask, the two scheming women just shrugs. Seem grandmother is going to dupe her other grandson into marriage again.

"Well, I will go get my baby girl you two continue with your schemes, don't include me." The two just laugh.

I had gone to see my beautiful family, this feels perfect, watching Kaleah hold Zoey like that, it makes me the happiest man in the world.

"Got room for one more lonely husband," Kaleah giggles and nods.

I hold my beautiful daughter in my hands, "hi there miss Beckett, I am your father, I will never abandon you nor your mother okay. I love you; I love both of you so much and I will protect you forever."

She giggles and jumps with happiness, maybe babies do know what we are saying, Kaleah snuggles closer to us with tears in her eyes.

"Really love, you are crying?" I ask and she just rolls her eyes, "I love you so much," she whispers.

I scooped her with my free arm to hug my whole family, I heard the click of the camera, to see grandmother at the door smiling.

"Don't mind me, continue being a mature man," she says happily, I couldn't care less if she takes a million pictures, I am not ashamed of being a family man, especially with these two special ladies in my life.