3. No Longer Poor

Lilly: can I interest you in a Lamborghini?

John- I actually want your pagani Zonda in the middle.

Lilly- are you sure sir? It is 300 million dollars?

John- yes I will buy 2 of them have the other shipped too Shang hai Hotel. I'll be there from now on.

Lilly- your method of payment?

John- fingerprint

Lilly- very well sir place your finger here.

Lilly( I don't think he can afford 600 million dollars for these super cars. Then again I will see)

(600 million dollars was paid too Luxurious Auto sales)(Account Balance is:♾)

Lily(huh? How much money does he have?)

Lilly- sign here while I grab the keys.

Signs documents and she returns with both keys.

Lilly-here you are sir. Both keys.

John- Emily you mind driving the other back too the hotel please?

Emily- sure John. Hey uh Lilly I'm gonna park my Mercedes Benz s class here I'll be back in a few too get it.

John- you ready? My dad is gonna shit his pants also people at school will as well. We gotta go back tomorrow. Can't believe we're 17 now and we're in 11th grade. If you want a car like mine let me know I'll buy you one.

Emily- I don't want too seem greedy or anything.

John- Emil your my best friend of course I'm gonna spoil you. I'm gonna give the pagani zonda that your driving to my sister. We'll come back get your car and then you drive back too your house and park it. And you can ride with me.

They pick up Emily's car and drive it back too her parents house.

Teresa- honey who's car is that?

Emily- mom that is John's car

Teresa- are you sure honey?

Emily- yes mom. I came too park the car and return the keys.. he is gonna buy me a pagani zonda now.

Teresa- really honey? Those cars cost 300 million a piece? Can he afford it?

Emily- yes mom.. you may not believe me. But he is a trillionaire now.

Teresa- really at a young age?

Emily- yes mom and on top of that he bought out Shang hai Luxurious Hotels as well mom. He is moving to the owners penthouse on top.

Teresa- really? Hmm I can believe it. I just never though he would become rich so quick.

Emily- don't worry mom I will transfer you enough to buy a better house instead of living in a trailer.

Teresa- are you sure honey? I don't want too take all of your Money.

Emily- Don't worry Mom. I'll see if John can transfer 600 Billion too you mom.

Teresa- that would be way too much honey I don't want too take all of his money.

Emily- Don't worry Mom he owns Shang Hai Luxurious Hotels. He can most definitely afford it.

Teresa- ok Honey. I believe you.

Emily- hey John is there any way you can transfer 600 billion dollars too my Mom please?

John- of course Emily. Is your mom's account still ending in x9876 ?

Emily- yes

John- ok I'll transfer it now.

John(hey system transfer 600 billion dollars too account ending in x9876)

(Of course host....Ding… the transfer of 600 billion dollars too account ending in x9876 is successful)

John- hey Emily is your mom still on the phone?

Emily- yea

John- tell her too check her account now.

Emily- ok

Emily- hey mom check your account now.

Teresa- ok let me check

Teresa(wow I did only have 47¢ )

Teresa(Ding… 600 billion dollars was added to your account)

John(John's account is:♾)

John(I love my system. It gave me a platinum bank card with my name on it. With ♾ money)

Teresa- tell John I said thank you very much. It truly means a lot. I can finally leave the trailer park now.

Emily- my mom said thank you very much it really means a lot too her.

John- it's no problem at all. You and I been side by side since childhood. I will do everything in my power too keep your family out of poverty.

Emily- thank you very much John. I'm am beyond graceful too call you my friend.

John- it's nothing. Oh I am gonna go And buy the Biggest mansions on Lake view road. I think they have 6 of them on Lake view road.

Emily- oh really?

John- yes lake view road is about 2 miles away from my hotel.

Emily- true. Then off too the realtor we go.

They got into the pagani zonda and drove too the realtor.

Kevin- wow who's pagani zonda is that? I would really love too get too know the owner. This car is worth 300 million dollars alone.

Kallie-really so he bought this car without batting at eye.

John and Emily got out of the car and John set the alarm. And walked too the realtor.

John- hmm and miss your wrong I didn't buy just one pagani zonda I bought 2 more pagani zonda's. But the 3rd one i bought was for Emily beside me the other one I bought I am gonna give it too my sister.

Kallie- really you spent over 900 million dollars? Just on super cars?

John- yes money is no problem for me. I made Emily a billionaire and her mother a billionaire. And I am here today too buy all the Mansions on Lake view road. I hate nosey neighbors. So I'm buying all of the Mansions today. Too keep Nosey people out.

Kallie- really all of the mansions on Lake view road is about 20 trillion dollars in total?

John- that's nothing lol

John and Emily walks into the realtor office

Adam- welcome sir can I interest you in this house here?

John- no I want every single Mansion on Lake View road.

Adam- really?

John- yes do the paperwork for them all I will take every single one of them.

Adam- yes sir

Adam does the paper work for every single Mansion on Lake view road.

Adam- your total is 21.5 trillion dollars. How are you gonna pay?

John- fingerprint

Adam- ok place your finger here.

John places his finger on the fingerprint scanner.

(Ding…. Payment of 21.5 trillion dollars was successful)

Adam(wow he literally bought every mansion like he said)

Adam- sign here sir and there all yours

John signs all of the documents

Adam- here are all of the keys sir.

John grabs all of the keys.

John and Emily leaves the realtor office.

Adam( hey Luke someone by the name of John just bought all of the Mansions on Lake View Road)

Luke(really? What did he look like?)

Adam( he looked like a regular business man. But the woman beside him had on a designer dress)

Luke( really? So he could've been one of the hidden rich people in the city?)

Adam( it appears so sir)