4.Creating Immortal pills

John(hey system create me 4 pills that makes whoever takes one immortal)

(Of course Host…. 4 immortality pills was Successfully Created)

John- hey dad take this pill it will not only heal you completely but make you immortal. Sam you take one as well and Emily you take one as well… we'll never die

Emily- is this really an immortality pill?

John- yes Emily take it. You will say young and beautiful forever.

Everyone takes the immortality pill. And it heals them all instantly and the first thing John did was. He got his dad's gun and shot himself in the head.

John- hey what do know. The pill actually works lol.

Sam- are you crazy!

John- relax sis we cannot die anymore. So no matter what happens we will live.

Emily- so nothing can kill us?

John- Nope! We truly are immortal. But we might half too move around a lot too keep everyone from getting suspicious of why we don't age.

Emily- can my mom get one too please John?

John- of course. Give me a sec.

John( system I need 1 more immortality pill please)

(Of course Host…. Ding…. 1 Immortality pill was Successfully Created)

John- here's one for your mom Emily.

Emily- thanks John.

John- No problem.. oh Dad and Sam I bought every single mansion in Lake View road. Villa 1 is mine though. I'm gonna be living in it. If you all want you can stay in villa 3 and villa 4

John Sr- really son… how much is the rent? And everything?

John- don't worry about it I'm not gonna charge you rent or anything I will pay all the bills too them all.

Sam- really bub? All we gotta do is move in too villa 3 or villa 4?

John- yes

Sam- what about villa 2?

John- well I was thinking if Emily doesn't want too live with me then she could stay in villa 2.

Emily- really John? I can live with you? I don't wanna be a burden at all John.

John- your no burden at all. It'd be too big of a house too live alone.

Emily- alright then I'll move in with you.

John Sr- who's car is that parked in the driveway?

John- oh lol it's my car

John Sr- can I drive it?

John- sure Emily you can ride on my lap. Dad drive my car too Shang hai luxurious hotel. I gotta pick up my other car.

Emily- ok

John Sr- ok is it the same car?

John- yea why?

John Sr- why do you need 2 pagani zonda cars?

John-One is mine and one is Emily's.

John Sr- oh can you buy me a truck? So if I wanna haul stuff I can.

John- yea

They arrive at John's hotel and they pick up the other pagani zonda car.

John- excuse me people coming through.

Bethany- don't be ridiculous you can't afford this car.

Caleb- yea you can't afford this car. Get lost loser.

John clicks the pagani's car keys and they jump back in surprise.

Bethany- how?

Caleb- how?

John- get away from my car before you scratch it.. it'd take you a lifetime too-afford a car like this.

John- come on Emily we gotta go. Hey dad follow me in my other pagani zonda car. We are going too my mansion.

John Sr- ok I'm right behind ya.

John and Emily gets in the other pagani zonda and drives too villa 1 and John's dad pulls up beside him and they both shut off the cars.

Bob(is that the boss who owns every house and property here)

Trey(the young one with the girl. Is the owner.)

Bob(damn and he is only 23 and he is Rich)

Trey(yea we are lucky too have a security job though)

Bob(yea we are.)

Security team 1- are you John?

John- yes I am why?

Security Team Leader- hello boss there are a total of 26 teams in total. No one will get in without your say so.

John- put 2 teams at the gates no one gets in without a security card.

Security Team 1- yes sir…. Team 5 and Team 6 converge too the front gates no one gets in without a security card.

John- they must have one of these

Shows the security leader the Security pass…. And gives 2 too Emily and 1 too Same and 1 too John Sr.

John- you all don't lose the security pass I gave you .

John-after we get done eating here… we are gonna go buy my dad a new truck ….

John-Dad your gonna ride with me… so you can drive your truck…