chapter 58


Every normal girl would be expected to cower away in fear, but Tasha didn't, she simply stood there with a smirk playing on her lips -not even bothering to cover her nakedness.

"Sir, what are you doing?" Lucas asked.

"My wife mustn't know about this shît!" Mr Baldwin gritted out. "Killing her is the only option, and way out for me!" he added.

Lucas quickly rushed in front of him, spreading his arms open and blocking Tasha.

"Move, I'm gonna kill the bitçh!" Mr Baldwin growled.

"Calm down, sir, there's another way to do this"

"There's no other way, MOVE OR I'LL BLOW UP BOTH YOUR BRAINS!"

Lucas quickly jumped out of the way, but the lights suddenly went out before Mr Baldwin could pull the trigger.

"What's going on?!" he roared.

"I don't know, sir"

At that moment, the lights turned on again but Tasha was no longer standing by the bed, rather there's a note laying on the bed instead.