chapter 59


>>Wetland Holiday Inn, room 0028<<

"Here, wear these clothes" an advanced lady threw some clothes at Tasha.

Tasha caught the clothes, and hurriedly wore them as she released relieved breaths.

"That was close" she whispered. "Thanks for rescuing me, Ms Cara" she thanked the woman, who's now known as Ms Cara.

"Of course, I wouldn't abandon you" Ms Cara said.

"What's the next step?" Tasha asked.

Ms Cara smirked victoriously.

"Don't worry about the next step, leave it to me" she said.



>>Baldwin's Mansion, LA<<

I stared directly in Duncan's eyes while waiting for his response, he took a step closer to me, but I jumped back as though fire's consumed his body and I don't wanna get burn.

He stared back at me in silence, as if he's trying to read my expression, but I tried my best to keep my face void of every expressions.

"It's was.. uh.."