The Company of Rose is one of the oldest and most famous free companies in Essos. It was founded by the self-exiled royalty of House Stark who refused to bend the knee with Torrhen Stark, the king who knelt, when he vowed his loyalty to Aegon the Conqueror in 1 AC. After the Fall of the Dragons, Sirius Stark, the current head of the Company of Rose, decides to return to Winterfell to reunite their estranged family.
A young history student dies suddenly while studying the Book of The Dead suddenly finds himself in a great hall facing 42 solemn men in weird clothing, an obscenely tall man with an African Wolf head holding a queer scale and on its two pans was one human heart and on the other was a feather of some bird.
I do not claim ownership of Game of Thrones or any related characters belonging to Game of Thrones. I only own my OC characters. Any material belonging to other sources belongs to their respected sources and is used purely for enjoyment
it is amazing book if you are going for got fanfiction these is the book you want i tried to restart book my previous book it is also in webnovel name is "Game of thrones:wolf of East "these book is continuous of that book.
it's interesting, keep it up ............................................................................................................,...........................,........,..................,....,.............................