Sacking of Astapor

I started discussing my plan for the conquest of Meereen. It was essential for us that we have a stable base before we start our business as this will attract attention and greed from many parties. Hence, we need a city to hold our business, family, forces and to have a base of operation for all our future plans. The moment we start selling our glass sheets, the least of our problems will be Myr. Myr is one of the nine free cities, and it is on the fertile "heel" of Essos, where an ancient Valyrian dragon road on the mainland meets the Sea of Myrth. Temples and shrines for many gods can be found along the waterfronts and streets. Myrish ships have sailed the narrow sea for hundreds of years. Myr is specialized in glassmaking and is the biggest producer of glass in the known world. It is almost a certainty that they will try to attack us to destroy their competitor and also to plunder our more efficient and much cheaper technology.

Meereen was the perfect choice. It had very high walls, which would make it one of the most impregnable cities along with Volantis. Meereen also had a wife harbor on the Slaver Bay, so this allows us for future prospects of building our fleet. More importantly, Meereen has plenty of angry slaves fighting in the Pits and a less than remarkable army guarding it.

The Pits in Meereen are the most famous establishments where slaves are trained to be fighters and risk their death every day for an almost impossible dream of being set free. The pits are the main business of nobles in Meereen, along with the slave trade. The best boon of holding Meereen to us is that we already have our influence in the region, so it will be easier to take control and extinguish the lust of other cities over our city and technology.

First of all, we have the whole Lhazar almost under our control as the Lhazareen became our respected friends over the years of our stay, and they idolize us as divine warriors sent by their Great Shepherd to protect them, as they never felt that safe for hundreds of years. So they basically allow us to start using their pastures for our own animal husbandry projects or even to trade their sheep for grains of other necessities. One can not forget that Meereen is the closest city to the Dothraki Sea which means my father's ally Khal Bharbo, one of the most prominent Khals with 50,000 Dothraki riders, can ride to our aid at any time and also help us with our plans to breed warhorses

Meereen also has a vineyard, which, although is of inferior quality, I have plans to deal with it with modern cultivation techniques to improve the quality of the grapes and use it to distill liquor of much higher quality. The combination of superb quality liquor and crystal clear refined flasks will be an attractive product to all the wealthy in Essos and even the noble houses across the Narrow Sea. The revenue from this plan, along with the lucrative deals that will come with the production of glass sheets, will make the foundation of my army building plan. Armies are men who receive training, knowledge, weapons, and armor. In Essos, even the men component of the army needs gold, so I will require an astronomical amount of gold to build my required army.

All these points were taken into consideration. when planning on which city to be taken as our base. I also felt the guilty temptation of having the dream come true for any modern Egyptian man, I will have a majestic Pyramid

and a city underneath it to rule. This was enough to invigorate every brain cell in my tiny brain to think about every possible way to achieve this ambition. I remembered a certain plan that Daenyrus once used that might prove to be successful, but first I need to go get some soldiers.

One Moon later, in a clearing 150 leagues, almost 500 miles, south of Meereen, I gazed at the walls of the free city of Astapor. Astapor, dubbed the Red City, is the southernmost of the Slaver Cities on Slaver's Bay. The city is renowned for its training of the Unsullied, eunuch slave soldiers. Astapor is at the mouth of a meandering stream that the Astapori call the Worm, which flows in from the east. To the south are the Ghiscari hills, with the ruins of Old Ghis. West of Astapor, beyond the hills, is the Isle of Cedars, with the cities Ghozai and Velos, on the Gulf of Grief. I slept the night peacefully in my tent waiting for the next day where my plans will finally start.

I am following my father with a host of 5,000 elite cavalries from the company of Rose and left the rest led by Meng Wu to protect our headquarters in Hesh, Lhazar. We are heading into Astapor to buy some Unsullied warriors almost 10,000 using mountains of gold that we gathered throughout the past decades. We are determined to get those Unsullied to swell our numbers to 30,000 and have them as an elite infantry unit will be a great addition to our cavalry army. At least this was the official reason we presented to the Good Masters who are just a bunch of slavers with an inflated ego who rule Astapor.

The city was not as populous as I thought, it was significantly larger than its population size, and the walls were undermanned, and apparently, they were not maintained in a long time. Basically, the defenses of this city were in shambles; however, no Dothraki Khalasar or other force tried to siege the city till now because they know they will be facing the legion of terrifying Unsullied that reside in the city. I am planning to end this today.

They were cautious enough to force most of our host to camp outside the city and only allows us a hundred cavalries plus another hundred dismounted to carry the chested of gold we carry. We basically fished out the entire amount of savings in the past hundred years of fighting as a company of sellswords and this was to buy the current well-trained 10,000 plus another 10,000 under training. I remember I read that Daenerys bought them with a bunch of jewels and rare treasures as well as amber, gold, and wine and the ships that carry them as well as freaking Drogon a juvenile Dragon at the time. Still, we brought out 10,000,000 cold hard coins. They were a mix of Westerosi Golden Dragons and Essos Honors from various Free Cities. Still, there is a difference of about 20 years so I am not sure how it will go now that I came here 20 years earlier than Daenerys.

We met the Astapori Good Masters in a large plaza holding the entire 10,000 Unsullied Legion. They showed us a brief demonstration of how they unconditionally obey commands of the one holding the Scourge Whip. They salivated greedily at the sight of the shining golden hue reflected from the chests that our men were holding. I took the moment to use their lowered guard to ask innocently for the Scourge to try it. We agreed that I will be the one to hold it as they might be wary of my father instead. I know they foolishly gave it to Daenerys, but I attributed it to the attraction of Drogon, something that I lacked.

Fortunately, it went smoothly and I took hold of the scourge. I held it high and shouted in a soft pitched voice: "Unsullied, two steps forward." It was an amazing sight, 10,000 men with grim black armor, spears, and shields, moving simultaneously like cogs in a machine moving in perfect harmony. A sign of devilish discipline. I felt power gushing through my body as a rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins and I could see my guards closing in on me to protect me in a trained motion. I raised the Scourge high and shouted "Unsullied! Kill all the Good Masters, soldiers, and free any slaves you find."

My father grabbed me and we stood in the middle of a tortoiseshell formation with circular lines of men surrounding us with their shields projecting out to receive any attacks while we were kept in the center of the formation for protection. We moved inside the formation till we exited the city gates among the carnage of earthly hell that I let loose on Astapor. I saw old men being slaughtered, wealthy men beheaded leaving a stiff body with a fountain of blood gushing from their necks. Although, I was preparing myself mentally, I was still traumatized by the scenes. We opened a path of blood as the soldiers near the walls threw themselves at us in abandon, till we finally reached the gates. The moment we crossed the gates we were safe as we had the rest of the 5,000 cavalries waiting for us. I forced myself to sleep to stop reliving these hellish scenes I created today.