Foden strolled through the hallway, his mind preoccupied as he checked through the map he held in hand. His attention was divided between moving and getting the information the map provided.

  "Ahh." A soft voice moaned as she bumped into him.

  "Sorry." He blurted and paused with amusement on his face when he saw the person he bumped into. "Sansan." Foden smiled widely, his cheeks lighting up.

  "Good morning, beta! I am sorry for bumping into you." Sansan bowed her head hurriedly, her cheeks turning red.

  Foden waved her off, "you don't have to apologize. I wasn't focusing on the way either. How are you today?" He sounded a bit too friendly.

  "Very fine, thank you, beta. I would take my leave now; I have an errand to run." She mused, tucking a loose hair strand behind her ear as she bowed and left hurriedly.

  He sucked his lips in unintentionally, mesmerized at how milky her skin looked. Foden was lost in his own world as he strolled to the meeting room.