Simone sniffed hurriedly, wiping away the tears that trickled down her face. Elaina smiled, making her way towards her. Her eyes scanned Simone's features. Elaina could tell she had been crying the moment she walked in.

  It amused her that Simone could act all emotional; she had always been the strong-hearted one. Diane and herself had always been the emotional ones, and Simone was always there to console them. Even when they had lost their parents, Simone's vigour and strive for survival had been why she didn't relent either.

  Simone's not being mated after a long while is why Elaina tried all she could to get her mated. It had taken her some time to convince Cedric to invite his cousin over to meet Simone. Cedric was doubtful Simone would allow herself to be pushed around. But Elaina had assured her husband of Simone's promise. When she still hadn't arrived, Cedric had given Elaina an "I told you so" glare.