Dylan moaned as Eva slammed her butt on his dick, sliding her pussy in and out of him as she gripped his shoulders tightly. He had decided to do less work and let her please him. As always, she did just as expected. With his arms spread out, he felt the sensation of her warm pussy wrapped around his dick in his guts. Shamelessly, he moaned at each contact.

  Realizing he was about to reach his peak, Dylan held her by the waist and, in one swift movement, turned her back to him with her face down on the bed. Slapping her butt hard, tiny shards of juices escaped her pussy, and it pleased the whole of him. Raising her butt from her waist and closing his eyes, Dylan rested between the spread of her leg and thrust into her. Eva gasped loudly, holding firmly onto her. Throwing his head to the back, Dylan fucked her insides with a definite violent thrust. He didn't let her have enough breathing space as he increased the pace till a burst of orgasm rippled through his insides.