Lost in the pool of pleasure, Dylan almost didn't know someone had barged in until the lady had her mouth off his dick. He was about to glare at her for stopping when his head turned towards the direction of a shocked-looking Mona.

  A smirk lingered on his lips as he moved his naked body majestically to the bed, picking up his robe he wore it. The lady, one of his regular concubines, had dressed up and hurriedly left the room. Mona still stood dumbstruck by the door. Dylan wondered if it was the size of his dick that had her shocked beyond words or the fact that he was having his dick chewed up so early in the morning.

  Dylan could blame it on her, as he needed to relieve himself of the stress she made him go through the past day due to her unnecessary tantrum. For a split moment, he had been worried about her health, but the wild sex he had through the night made him forget about her. His memory of the drama that ensued in the study was joggled back at the sight of her.