Douglas rubbed his eyes again to be sure about what he was seeing. The letter he held in his hands contained the exact words of a traitor.


  "Dear Mark,

  I know you might have been wondering why I haven't gotten back to you for almost a month since the last time Lalita delivered the letter.

  These might sound like the words of a hypocrite, but I must admit to you, Mark. Douglas isn't the person I thought him to be. I feel grateful towards you for asking me to get closer to him. Ever since I submitted myself to Douglas and let him love me, it's been total bliss to me, and I don't think Seth would be able to offer me such happiness after all.

  It would be fair if you returned to your pack and protected your lady within the confines of the Lycan pack. From what I heard, Douglas still has plans to get a hold of her. He thinks she is still mated to your Alpha. That is the only thing I can offer you at this point.