Mark caressed his forehead, feeling exhausted and frustrated. Everything was going all wrong today, and nothing else he tried seemed to work.

  "Why won't you just let this go and talk to me, Seth?" Mark said.

  Seth ignored him as he kept turning the dough. Since the altercation between them, Seth has stayed far from Mark and refused to talk to him. Mark had thought it would be a minor situation and they would return to being best friends and actual cousins again. However, it turns out that Seth meant every word he said about him not wanting anything to do with Mark if he still kept up with his plan against Alpha Douglas through Miranda's help.

  Nothing Mark did to appease Seth worked, and it was beginning to get to Mark's very nerves.

  "Ignoring me won't actually lead to anything good; I do hope you know that?" Mark continued

  Raising his head, Seth stared coldly into his eyes. "I should ask you when you actually intend to pull Miranda out of your shady business."