Every one of them stayed quiet, deep in thought. Each person took in a deep breath, exhaling and shaking their head. The theta had left them with a secret, too big of a weight to carry.

  Diane rubbed her forehead. She had just woken up and had walked in on Dylan and Foden, looking shocked beyond words. When the theta left, she had Foden repeat everything she had said that made them look so lost.

  She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the negative thoughts. "Why would father hide this from us?"

  "The same reason why he hid the powers of the leaf, definitely," Dylan responded, groaning a bit as he rested his back against the bed frame.

  Foden sighed, sitting up on the chair. "they must really be good at keeping secrets if none of them made no mistake at the words slipping from their mouth. My father tells me everything." He looked betrayed.

  "They must have sworn an oath of secrecy." Diane reasoned.