Mona sighed as she opened the letter her parents had written to her. It scares her to read through it. She had squeezed out time during the days she watched over Dylan when he lay unconscious. In her grieving state, she wrote to them about Mark's death and how Dylan had almost lost his life while trying to save her. Now, Mona wasn't sure about her thoughts of Dylan anymore.

  She felt bored and depressed. Sansan had gone to her mother and couldn't afford to be at the packhouse. And Diane, whom Mona had become accustomed to, had also returned to her pack.

  The thought of having no one to go to made her feel heavy at heart. She tried hard not to think about Dylan and his betrayal. Even though she knows it's not her place to get angry, Mona just couldn't let go of the thought of him trampling on her dignity.

  Taking a deep breath, she stretched out the letter properly to read through.


  "Dear Mona,