Diane ran through the stairs in an attempt to find her husband. By the time she returned to the dream pack, it was almost time for dinner. Opening the door to the study, she saw Ralph neck-deep in a book.

  "Honey!" She called out excitedly.

  Ralph's attention moved towards the voice, and a wide smile appeared on his face as he stood up to meet his wife.

  "My darling. I have missed you so much." He mumbled into her hair as he kissed her.

  "Me too." She muttered into his mouth.

  "How is Dylan?"

  "He is hale and hearty now."

  "That's so good to hear."

  "Ralph, it's time for dinner. Let's go eat. I am famished." She grinned.

  Ralph pulled at her cheek lightly, "I am sure you would be. I didn't realize it was time for dinner. It's been so lonely without you, but Simone has been nice enough to keep me company during dinner."

  Diane's eyes lit up at the mention of Simone. "Where is she?"

  "She should be joining us for dinner." He said, leading her out of the study.