Simone held her breath as the carriage approached the address Goomer had sent her. Uncertain of what it would be like to meet her cousin for the first time, her heart beat fast, like it would jump out of her ribcage. The carriage felt heavy due to all of the nice things Diane had sent along with her.

  The carriage stopped in front of the house, and Simone finally let her breath out. Knocking on the door lightly, she bit hard on her lips. The door opened to a man looking like the younger version of her father.

  "Goomer?" Simone called out.

  "Oh my, goodness! Simone!" He called out happily, lifting her off the ground.

  A small-statured lady stood behind with a smile on her face. Simone could notice the fine lines on her face and her rounded cheekbones that highlighted her beautiful features.

  Walking past Goomer, Simone smiled at the lady. "You must be Becca?"

  Becca smiled shyly, "I am surprised you could tell immediately." She laughed, hugging Simone.