Diane had woken up feeling extremely down; she couldn't place where her discomfort came from. But one thing she was certain of was how horny she was feeling. Touching the other side of the bed, it was cold. Implying that Ralph had been up for a long time.

  Groaning, she lifted herself off the bed. Walking towards the mirror, Diane stood in front of it, lifting up her night dress to stare at her bump. Her belly looked so round it would make a perfect circle. A giggle escaped her lips at the comparison.

  According to the moon count, she was supposed to have birthed her child in the past week. But it appears the little one prefers to take its time. It made her feel extremely heavy, coupled with her increased sexual urge. Her body craved Ralph's touch.

  She felt a movement in her stomach. Placing her hands on it, Diane shut her eyes tightly. A warm hand embraced her waist, and Diane smiled, knowing it was no other person but Ralph.