Foden laughed crazily when he saw Dylan walked into the study looking like someone who had been running over by a raging bull. When he entered their usual working space and couldn't find Dylan on the seat, Foden first thought that he must have overslept. Considering how late they finished rounding up their duties the night before.

  However, when he checked Dylan's room, he wasn't there. He didn't need a seer to tell him that Dylan had spent the night in Mona's room. Seeing him looking distraught, like he had been deprived of sleep, affirmed Foden's assumptions.

  "Shouldn't you both just get married already and stop sneaking around?" He said.

  Dylan glared at him. Making his way to his wine shelf, he poured himself a full fluke. "Why are you here so early? And what are you doing in my chair?"

  "Thought you retired, so I decided to take your place." Foden smacked his lips.