Diane's childbirth brought more joy to the entire packhouse, especially Dylan. Dylan was finally an uncle; he still couldn't believe his sister was finally a mother, to think she was so adamant about moving on with her life. Dylan couldn't contain his joy and had to leave Foden in charge of the pack until he returned from visiting his sister. It would be a bit hard for both of them to keep in touch with each other due to their obligations.

  He took Mona on the journey with him, feeling the need to share the moment with her. All through the journey to the dream pack, they both had their hands on each other, making small jokes. Dylan grinned from ear to ear the closer they got to their destination.

  Mona smiled at his happiness; she had never seen him so happy. The birth of Diane's child must really be a thing of joy for him. When they entered the packhouse, Ralph came down to welcome them with a very bright smile. Both men laughed into each other's arms.