Goomer sighed when he saw Douglas wiggle at the bottle of wine he had in hand. Why he was drowning himself in alcohol for weeks surpasses Goomer. Douglas has never been one to brood over something for too long.

  He is more of an optimist who is quick to move on from a disaster. But nothing seems to be the same anymore.

  "Would you like to run in the woods, my Lord?" Goomer inquired.

  Douglas chewed on an empty mouth. Sitting up, he squinted his eyes at Goomer. "I don't feel like doing anything."

  "How about some nice time with a good-looking woman?" He teased.

  Douglas snorted, "what woman could you possibly bring that would make my day?"

  Remembering his promise to Simone, Goomer cleared his throat, ready to sell out his cousin. "Someone I know has an offer that might interest you."

  "What sort of offer is that?" Douglas asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.