Dylan inhaled and exhaled deeply for the umpteenth time since he sat in his usual chair in the study. They had returned from the dream pack late at night. Even though he and Mona are on talking terms, something still doesn't seem right between them.

  His discussion with Simone had turned out quite well at the end of the day. But Dylan feels Mona isn't totally accepting of his confession yet. The whole visit had been strained due to Simone's presence. Even though she had left earlier, it still didn't feel the same.

  Dylan felt guilty for ruining Diane's happy moment by making everyone act awkwardly. If he had done right by Simone in the first place, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

  His eyes lingered on the door; he couldn't wait to see Foden and tell him all about what had happened at the dream pack. Aside from that, Dylan had missed seeing Foden. Despite the fun he had talking to Ralph the past few days, it isn't the same as being around Foden.