"What happened at the dream pack, Simone? Since you returned, all you have done is keep to yourself." Becca noted, sitting next to her.

  It's been two days since Simone returned from visiting her friend, but she has been moody, which worried Goomer and his wife. To avoid making her uncomfortable, Goomer had asked Becca to talk to her on his behalf.

  "Talk to me, Simone. Tell me all about it. I will listen." Becca assured her.

  Simone sighed, smiling weakly at Becca as she struggled to sit with her belly. "I am alright, just wondering when it would be my turn to be finally happy."

  "Sometimes what we think would make us happy isn't exactly it. We confuse this thing a whole lot." Becca said.

  Simone kept quiet, grovelling in her thoughts again. Becca is right. Getting married and having kids isn't the happiness she seeks anymore. Instead, her body craved for utmost revenge. Something to burst the bubble Dylan is in, bring him down and put him in total ruins.