Foden jumped off his chair, his eyes almost bulging out of their socket. "What?" He huffed.

  Dylan moved from his seat at the sight of his friend looking pale. "where is she?" He asked on Foden's behalf.

  "The theta is attending to her at the house. But she has been calling for you!" She panted heavily.

  Looking dishevelled, Foden ran out the door with the maid on his tail. Dylan looked around to ensure there was nothing for him to take along on the table. He stepped out, too, knowing how important the moment was for Foden. He couldn't let him be by himself.


  Sansan's noise filled the entire room when Dylan got to the house. He almost fell to the ground when Mona rammed into him with tears in her eyes.

  "It's okay, breathe." He repeatedly whispered in her ear.