Mona lifted the cup of almond milk off the tray, handing it gently to Sansan. Sansan mouthed a thank you while taking a gentle sip. Carla also entered with a filled tray of different mouthwatering foods.

  Sansan chuckled, "you both would spoil me silly. I might be unable to get up from this bed if you continue this way."

  Carla shrugged, "a new mother needs to eat as much as she can. Not just for your child but for you also."

  Mona smiled, sitting next to her. "We just want you to be fine. It's all you deserve after pushing out someone as beautiful and pleasant as Sofia."

  Their eyes instinctively landed on the cot, where the little cub was sleeping soundly. Carla settled herself into the chair opposite the bed after filling up each of their plates.

  "This feels so nice, getting to spend time with you both again." Carla giggled like a young girl.